Shostakovich and Dvořák were both masters in injecting folk materials into their music, yielding new ideas and innovative approaches. Written specifically for Rostropovich, Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No.1 contains many novel elements in structure and thematic materials and has become a modern classic of the genre. Dvořák’s Symphony No.8 projects Bohemian colors and sentiments, reflecting the composer’s passion for his country, its people and the culture.

  • Time:2024-05-25 20:00
  • Venue:Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall
  • Price:¥680/480/380/280/180/80

Subscription Concert 15
2024.5.25 Sat. 20:00
Symphony Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall

Dmitry Shostakovich
Cello Concerto No.1 in E-flat major, Op.107

Antonín Dvořák
Symphony No.8 in G major, Op.88

Vasily Sinaisky, conductor
Chen Yibai, cello